Monday, October 17, 2016

Who am suppose to be...

Standing here at the cross road
rethinking where I am
and where you have gone.

Looking at the future
mantled in darkness
and several undestine strolls

Who I am suppose to be
how I find myself
Can anyone help me
Is there a guideline

Look at the mirror
the person you see
do you recognize
who you're suppose to be.

Is it too late already
Is there a possibility
to figure it all out
and walk with certainty

I am figuring it out
Am trying to see
what is my calling
who am suppose to be

I can't make a choice
which way to go
stuck on this crossroad
waiting for what, I don't know.

Future is calling me
but am letting it ring
what am I doing
petrified of my own destiny

Is it too late already
Is there a possibility
to figure it all out
and walk with certainty

I am figuring it out
Am trying to see
what is my calling
who am suppose to be

When there is darkness
You still got to walk
make a choice for yourself
take the lead
choose the life
when you're alive.

But still chained with fear
unable to move an inch
I trying so badly
I have to decide

Figure it out
try to see
What is that calling
Who am suppose to be

Its not too late
there is a possibility
figure it out
to walk in certainty

To know my destiny
To find myself
And perceive
Who am suppose to be...

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