Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Moment Of Impact

Is it been easy, or it will be hard...
If we lose, If we fear the loss
forgetting something we had in past
and creating the memories
Buried in photographs.

The touch of love
the warmth of safety
the excitement of unknown
what's missing from your part.

Figuring out at each step
who I am, & what I was?
Since my ears hear your words
"When was the last time you made me happy?"
I lose it again, that I have never got back.

Your whispers don't speak to me
I sob with the memories
in my silent heart.
My vows were empty
as if I lost everything I had,
ain't even forgetting any
I can't recall our love...

We had it all
We had our life
We had our love
but who am I
Where are we now?
I can't find my answer...
The touch of love
the warmth of safety
the excitement of unknown
the kiss for the first time
Can't recreate us.

Oh!! I can't recall anymore
When was the last time
I made you happy?
and stopped being us....

Saturday, April 14, 2012

TITANIC - In Memories

Honoring a century past of that majestic maiden, which had no future but made history and has been immortal through the torn brown pages, connecting to so many lost souls, giving 'em direction and changing lanes for so many others. A symbol of great tragedy. A symbol of immortality. A symbol of majesty beauty, but beyond all, A symbol of love. She was named Titanic... and she made history...
She started off on her journey to make history and to make a headline when she will reach New York, she made one... she made it to the headlines, she made it to the pages being immortal in history. Only by shocking reality - that unsinkable can be sunk, and a rash reckless behavior pays its own price.
James Cameron quoted "Titanic was a very capsule of the modern world, where people are divided according to their class, the money etc. And at the time when crisis hits, the rich make their way and the poor suffer." After 15-20 years of research James has now decided to move on to new projects and keep her in memories.
Sad, isn't it... Titanic had brought so much of sorrow. Its a tragedy on the human face where its crying from  12,000 feet (3,700 m) below the ocean surface to connect to every sole in the world with a different perception. I guess that's why its worth the obsession of so many and still be the graceful beauty we love falling in love with.
Yes, Titanic is romance and love... even being tragedy and sorrow. Many of us loved her for her different shades of beauty. And today after 100 years, we all remember her and appreciate her for being one of her kind, and mourn this old lady and souls graving with her to rest in peace.
14 April 1912, 11:40PM Titanic hits the iceberg. 15 April 1912, 2:20AM she was buried in the North Atlantic Ocean. The count of lost soles was 1514. (Here we jus light a candle, and take a moment to mourn!)

I feel her, since long... she makes me sad, but she is the one who made me understand what love is. And made me fall in love ever since. This is me mourning for her death 100 years from now, but this is me celebrating her glory at the same time.
Until yesterday I couldn't decide what should I do for her - a small gesture? a moment of silence? what? I didn't know that even after 100 years she can touch me with love again, immerse my soul which had sunk into the darkness of lost direction and depressed graves, finally seemed a light of those candles and felt the warmth of love once again.
I was so busy in my personal problems that it was not until last moment I realized that its the day she submerged under the ocean. I wanted to do something, anything for her! It will be the only chance I will have in my life time to do something to show that she matters to me, I decided to light up 1500 candles for every lost sole (later I felt ashamed, how could I forget the 14 more officially counted people.). On my plan, my mother and husband laughed that it ain't even possible, and later with their suggestion I agreed to light 15 candles (one for every 100 lost soles). By the time came I again got occupied in my own problems and disappointments. I was planning on the time 15Apr 2:20AM(which is definitely quite late), what to do?
I was watching NAT-GEO, where the channel is celebrating the glory of the greatest ship on the pages of history. I thought that by watching, I would able to connect to her. So leaving all I was trying to establish, several failed attempts to make a connection and talk to her once again. All I can say was, she wasn't replying. But I was jus' waiting with a hope and disappointment in heart, when I received a missed call from my husband on my mother's cell phone. I went outside to understand, why is he breaking the bond am trying to establish with the moving picture of her on the TV screen. And when I was finally out, I saw a light, a yellow light, light from several candles which my husband was lighting for me, I knew he is doing that because Titanic meant something to him, but he did it 'coz she means a lot to me. It was 11:40PM, 14Apr'12. There, I heard her... and those lost souls too... all 1514 of 'em. I didn't cry, my eyes aren't wet, though I smiled like a heavy weight had been lifted. He asked me to read what he had written with the candles, I barely could make it out until he read it to me :
It was amazing, I could feel all the 1514 souls finally letting go... And I lighted one more candle... beside 'em for myself promising her that I will let go the sadness and the sorrow, that I will try harder. But for a moment I thank her too, for making me feel this love again... once again in my life!! "Making me feel... that the love I experienced through you for the first time can be true, can be alive and can be mine!!" So I decided to try to see the good again, focus on the best and let go of the bruises and the passed-away darkness... I try to move on.... reach to shore for that light... emerge from the darkness of the crying calls of Titanic to live each day as last day of my life.

Titanic means so many different ways to the world... for me, She defined Immortal Love.

She is the beauty, she will be... 
She is immortal... she will be in history...
She was our love.... she will be remembered...
Titanic.... In Memories!!

Rest In Peace my love!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Everybody Blames Somebody!


She was painted in a dark portrait
she was left behind
she sobs in the darkness
her howls are lost in musical nights

A ray of hope if she touched
is also a mirage in the desert
it fades away
leaving her alone in there

nothing really matters
as lies has become the truth
how hard is it to hold on
when in this crowded ocean
all she has is a piece of wood

Does she have to leave now
its unbearable to stick around
the aching heart wants to quit
it too much already to feel.

If the world is against my notion
I believe am swimming opposite of the current
why should I blame anybody
if everyone blames La Cleroa Ortiz!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

To, My Life,

Hey Honey!!

I know that the things between us are not exactly ideal and I also know your dislike for such printed cards. But still I am taking this chance partly because I wanted to do something & am infamous for managing and partly because I like this one.
Its true! I do have a dream of us as, I'm sure, do you. You know we can both be much better than this at being together. Given Round 1 of our time was lost because of my shortcomings and the fact that what has happened cannot be undone. But still that is a flimsy excuse for destroying our lives now and make sure that we don't fall to such lows ever again. No matter how hard it gets and no matter what the world says... the power to make or break lies with us.
So come now dear wife, hold my hand, walk with me, talk to me, and together let us build our future anew. We'll fight for what is worth fighting, we'll let go of what is not. We'll talk about each other, share and write all our problems away. But first of all, lets start being a couple again. Let's start experiencing the love and care that initially brought us togethe. Lets start living our life the way we can. Let us be us again!
You may not like many things about me, and I many not like some about you. But then that's life and living together. You have to take the whole fruit to enjoy the pulp. You are my wife, not by chance, not by mistake, and not by law; but by heart, soul & more.
                               Yours, Hubby

No Seriously!
I've given you my heart & like it or not, that one gift you cannot return. So no matter what happens, no matter where we end up, you'll always be my wife....
... and no one can that away from me.

Hoping Recapture
Your Heart!!

The above letter is the most romantic love letter I have ever got, or the only love letter I have ever received. I want to remember the good memories I came across, though the goodness can be shadowed easily and so simple to forget about it in the absence of light. Human nature is made to keep score of every hardship, every event that went wrong, score of what could've been! But in the darkness of our own heart where there is jus' an absence of light, or a hope... we forget to see, what had been! what are the l'il gesture, he has put together jus to see a blink of a smile or to meld my heart. The above letter is one of many... its not that, there is no shadow I can associate with it, though in my grieving moment all I can see how I had been hurt and suffered, but then I read it... and realize... He tried... He tried... and that's what make me try, in the darkest hour... to get back whats mine. To believe we belong together... Forever & Always!!

You Recaptured my Heart...!