Tuesday, April 3, 2012

To, My Life,

Hey Honey!!

I know that the things between us are not exactly ideal and I also know your dislike for such printed cards. But still I am taking this chance partly because I wanted to do something & am infamous for managing and partly because I like this one.
Its true! I do have a dream of us as, I'm sure, do you. You know we can both be much better than this at being together. Given Round 1 of our time was lost because of my shortcomings and the fact that what has happened cannot be undone. But still that is a flimsy excuse for destroying our lives now and make sure that we don't fall to such lows ever again. No matter how hard it gets and no matter what the world says... the power to make or break lies with us.
So come now dear wife, hold my hand, walk with me, talk to me, and together let us build our future anew. We'll fight for what is worth fighting, we'll let go of what is not. We'll talk about each other, share and write all our problems away. But first of all, lets start being a couple again. Let's start experiencing the love and care that initially brought us togethe. Lets start living our life the way we can. Let us be us again!
You may not like many things about me, and I many not like some about you. But then that's life and living together. You have to take the whole fruit to enjoy the pulp. You are my wife, not by chance, not by mistake, and not by law; but by heart, soul & more.
                               Yours, Hubby

No Seriously!
I've given you my heart & like it or not, that one gift you cannot return. So no matter what happens, no matter where we end up, you'll always be my wife....
... and no one can that away from me.

Hoping Recapture
Your Heart!!

The above letter is the most romantic love letter I have ever got, or the only love letter I have ever received. I want to remember the good memories I came across, though the goodness can be shadowed easily and so simple to forget about it in the absence of light. Human nature is made to keep score of every hardship, every event that went wrong, score of what could've been! But in the darkness of our own heart where there is jus' an absence of light, or a hope... we forget to see, what had been! what are the l'il gesture, he has put together jus to see a blink of a smile or to meld my heart. The above letter is one of many... its not that, there is no shadow I can associate with it, though in my grieving moment all I can see how I had been hurt and suffered, but then I read it... and realize... He tried... He tried... and that's what make me try, in the darkest hour... to get back whats mine. To believe we belong together... Forever & Always!!

You Recaptured my Heart...!

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