Monday, August 12, 2019

Life in Hollows

A life is born
A life is lost,
Fear of death
wrapped in white veil
Shadow midst
Fall short of breadth
A life is gone
Still lives on.

A memory of you
It hurts it pains
A scar left
A story to remind
Hustling breeze
With a sorrow mourns
Let it be
Let it sob

A choice to end it all
Feel no pain
Feel no remorse
excruciating pain
But jus' this once
then darkness prevail
And nothing at all

Chaos chasing
Make sense of hollows
Encircling pity
Suffering endless

How much can I take
What do bear
Where it ends
Who is to decide
How life sustains

A life is born
A life is lost,
A memory of you
It hurts it pains
A choice to end it all
Feel no remorse
Chaos chasing
Make sense of hollows