Thursday, August 16, 2018


- Dedicated to Chester Bennington and Aunt Honey

You passed in a blink
With no goodbyes
With no answer
It was sudden,
And you went out of reach

You pass over
Did you suffer
I keep wishing
If all this was unreal

Is it a dream,
Or a nightmare in repeat
Every instance playing
In slow motion
Or I fast forward
But ending up in one conclusion

You are gone
And I am here
Wishing if only
I could take your place
And you mine.

The stars shine bright
But the nights are dark
Can't close my eyes
Can't keep 'em open
I stare in emptiness
As void swallows my light

How you expect me to go on
Live without you
Without your smell
Without your voice 
Without sleeping next to you
Your warmth
Your love
Your touch that connects me to this world.