Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Choice to Love

I really wish you find someone with whom you can walk not a mile but a lifetime, with whom you will choose to go all the way. 

I am sorry that i wasnt the one, i guess i wasted your time. But you have shown me what love is, how love is, taught going all the way in love. 

You tolerated me, made tons of compromises and then resented me. And i choose to run to you even till the last day, never to find what i was looking for. Love to me in safety, home without fear, with trust, safety in all meaning and in support. Knowing there is always someone to hold my hand no matter what. 

And its okay that you werent the one. Good that you made a choice, coz i didnt have the courage to imagine a life without you. It never came to me to ask that question- "whats the point?" 

Love. Thats the point. You are my person, thats the point. 

But your question was an eye opener. A realization that when its not enough, it never going to be enough and there will never be a point no matter we search for it or make it up. Coz thats not love, love never has a point. It just is. Like the sun, the universe and gravity. 

I pray for you, someday to find your one. With whom you choose to walk the life, you go all in, where you dont need to try but its organic. I wish you be happy.