Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Why Blend in, When You're Born to Stand Out

Every time I say I am an artist, I get mixed reactions. I work in an IT firm, where am surrounded by techie folks buzzing about the cutting-edge technology, life is fast paced and rarely people have time for courtesy. In this situation if a creative person with a zeal of imagination and philosophy comes into the mix, its that 'odd person standing out' situation.

I have met both sides of the spectrum, some who appreciate the fresh outlook with a creative twist whereas, some others who prefer the more black and grey, who ask me why I am in IT field to begin with.

I am an Artist, its a fact. A fact doesn't change, the outlook does. It can perceived as a quality for some, whereas a flaw for some others. But ultimately it jus' shows me, how in-sync or un-sync'd I am with the individual. It doesn't change my passion, and it definitely doesn't define/change who I am.

I would treat others the way I would want to be treated, in-spite of my audience, I would give equal respect to a janitor, as to a CEO. However, its not my job to please anyone, the best I can do is be respectful and aware. There is no need to compromise, and succumb to dictatorship... You have free will - use it.

My friend asked me, "What if, I have been forced into something. I don't want confrontation, ergo I have to jus' accept it." Easier said "I Quit" than done. And quitting might not be "THE" closure you want, because that feeling of disrespect, distress of inconclusive discussion, where their efforts, contributions and values are shot down, demeaned, and stripped of respect. The best closure is to tackle the situation with logic and facts. Logic makes it easier, giving outline to your feelings and emotions. Don't stop feeling, feeling is good - it makes you vulnerable, but when you're vulnerable, you would find your biggest strength. Remember -"What doesn't break you, makes you stronger".

Life doesn't stop, and there is always a choice. Fact is - what you want to choose, and that's in no one's control but yours. Sometimes, choices are much harder than they appear, you might have to leave behind something you love, sometimes you need to compromise because you need to make rent or pay a mortgage, and sometimes pride is much more crucial. What works for me is making a list, my immediate and long term priorities listed down, along with pros and cons for each priority. Ultimately, writing things down and reading it back to myself gives me clarity on what I want.

Bottom-line - If "you" being "yourself" is difficult for the world to accept, it's their problem. Life is too short to please other. As long as you are justified and can face yourself in the mirror, you know - you are humane enough, then live free. Its only one life and its your life!

Only the weak blame others for their bad day. Take control and steer your life, outside factors can influence, but the direction is yours to choose. Find a solution that works for you rather than dwelling in the problem.

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