Saturday, February 13, 2016

HVD, I broke up.

When you need people the most and you come to notice there is none, that's when you start hating everything about those whom you once thought to be closest.

Truth be told there is no friendship no relation but only heart breaking pain tied up with all expectation.

I could've said rely on tech and electronic form of living than depending on moving beings but again man made tech is jus as unreliable as any human being.

This brings us to the question what's our social existence means then? What's the meaning of society or living in groups, being codependent? Well those stuff are jus laughably as a cute little kid crying and demanding something that doesn't exist.

We definitely live in society but if you look around, you are actually alone. And it's better to accept that before you're lost in the darkness of hopelessness. Expectations will never lead you anywhere but to disappointments and frustration. End of the day you've only yourself to blame.

7 years ago, 14th Feb 2009, 3:30am I made a huge mistake. Today after a long time - I have the chance and guts to correct it. Even though I am standing at the same corner of my life with few variables been changed. If today I fail to make it up to myself, fix the mistake I made long back then that day won't be the one I call my biggest mistake. I was a fool, blinded but today If I can't open my eyes, choose not to use the gift of sight then no god can save me and my soul will be lost to condemn for all eternity of suffering without any escape.

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