Friday, April 21, 2017

Trapped in slow motion Car Crash

Trapped in slow motion car crash
everything spiraling around
whole world moving too fast
yet every screen so comprehending
As life is disappearing 
A rush through my vain
Several volts electrocuting
hollowness overcame with dread
No control of whatever next
shall I scream or say a prayer 
Grabbing anything I can find 
Drowning in noise or silence intensify.
Can't breathe, restless, panicking 
This moment keeps on stretching

I see clearly
even in panic, chaos and flying debris 
every moment flashed in pieces
Her face I see
Connected to everything 
My salvation in you
as I closed my eyes
I am at peace
and accept what it is
no fight, no war anymore
no curse no grudge
or blame to throw.

Wind wrapping me in its arms
am flying outside the car
every spin reminds of a chapter
My past and what could've been the future

A possibility an anticipation
lost in the chills of darkness
as cold blankets my last gasp
whats left of me
is nothing.

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