Friday, August 7, 2015

Chances of True Love

Love is incredible, love is thrilling and inspiring but rare, and many of us are fooled by a temporary attraction as a life time of commitment and true love. You remember when we were sixteen how everything seemed so lovely, every color was beautiful and that heart pumping wait for perfect prince Charming from fairy tales.

Well, I personally always had a thing for prince Charming, Cinderella’s prince Charming. Am not sure if that’s the most romantic story in the whole classic collection but the fact that always connected me the most was that it kinda felt real even though magical. It was the story which always made me believe in magic still existing in the real world, probably in various forms. For me my mother has always been my fairy God Mother, but since my sweet sixteen I always wanted that savior to sweep me away from the terrible hardship that I had to deal with jus’ like Cinderella. Although unlike her, I didn’t have a step-mom then but my own biological father was worse than that. Lucky for me, my fairy God Mother always had my back, and she has this incredible magic to keep me hopeful for the future.

Every sixteen years old girl needs her Price Charming and keeps waiting for him to come on that bright white horse wearing that shinny armor and dressed up in his royal suit. But a girl won’t care if her prince arrives in ruptured jeans if he is the real deal, if he is a friend, a person to rely on, a strength in weakest movement, someone to trust blindly, a shoulder always to cry on, a hand to hold but above all someone who can love her the most in the world. A person who’s pained seeing her in pain, who can do anything to keep her happy and smiling, the one who protects her from the evil world. One who brings that true love and faith in love in her life and becomes the best friend she needs.

That wait is worthwhile, if an ordinary girl finds her prince, but what if she doesn’t? Well, then that’s just reality of life and you are as ordinary as the girl next to you or thousand others. We’re all searching for the true love and very few of us are lucky enough. But most of us settle down with fatal attraction and that’s the whole life we see ahead of us. Marriage, kids and catching up with fast life, as we grow up and away from that sixteen year old girl inside us. We rarely find time to ask ourselves, is this the Life I wanted and is he The One I waited for so long. We’re afraid to break free of it ‘coz the most sure thing is comfortable but it mayn’t be the right thing. It takes a lots of guts to accept that and move on, probably the wait for true love is still on, probably this wait will never end or probably its jus’ around the corner. You’ll never know if you haven’t taken the chance.

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