Thursday, August 28, 2014

Its once I was in Love

Sorrowful bliss comes shading the way
A sign of silver lining
looking for hope and believe in
If I can leap
I can jump
if there is a way back to your heart

Oh! so beautiful, life was
the first time, falling in love
heart raising, beating strong
as loud as I could hear its rhythm
waiting for you
until you come
hold your hand and walk on
The first kiss,
do you remember?
A memory vivid
so fine, so sudden.

Can't time stay still
can't I go back
to cherish a few good start
to know each other
to believe in
even though nothing said
nothing's heard

Now you say everything
You ask me to trust
you swear for me to believe
but why can't we go back
when sudden kiss
could fix all the fights
when we knew
this was about love
nothing else matter
until one day you broke my heart

My world crashed
then there we paused
the story stopped
and lost its way
promises never made
then what to say
I wish I could have turned
and be gone

Love stories aren't epic,
its not a fairy tale,
as every girl imagines.
Its fake faith
still we walk in,
we choose to believe
on that prince Charming.
Someone who dares
someone to hold on
who says he will jump with me.

There is a John, There is a Jack
who comes now and then
to restore my belief,
waiting for that story
for a shining silver lining,
a light of hope
in the blissful sky.

So cruising through memory lanes
admiring the past
I laugh at the foolish fights
I mourn on lost causes
shed few tears for the loss
nothing to change
its present,
am locked down of the past

If so be it
I choose to spend my life
living in the memories of the gone
torn brown pages
turned over
maybe not epic
but its my story
its once I was in love.

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