Saturday, March 23, 2019

Life over Logic

It's so easy to lose yourself, in the crowd, in the pace and in a race. Priorities mixed up and the real you fade away. Sooner than you think, it's too late to recognize the person in the mirror. Why am doing this? What's important to me? A constant struggle between who you really wanna be, what you wanna do and what you actually have to do to earn your bread, to earn your luxury or jus' survive. 

The question still remains, what makes you happy? Do you even know what makes you happy or the fakeness of your empty answer jus overwhelmed your imagination and you probably lost touch with who you truly are and what you want? 

It could be a blessing if you could have a perfect life, do what you love to do fulltime, have someone who is crazy head over heels in love with you and you can die for the one you love. But life, in reality, is much cruel than that often teases you with that perfect storyline, a resemblance, a meaning you reflect or fantasize but then draws you back to the reality, into chaos, and confusion with less than no clarity, and your mundane life hits you back putting some sense into your head calling it "Logic".

Logic, it's our way of not being spontaneous, not take risk, hide who we are and what we want, but above all play it safe. Logic is when you weigh the pros and cons in your head until something makes sense. Well, life doesn't make sense, does your existence makes sense? No, but logic brings order to the randomness. It saves our precious souls from the agony of failure, the anguish of heartbreak and brings a sensible closure to move on. Ironically "Logic" itself has its pros and cons. For starter, it doesn't let us trust our instincts, and biggest of all, it doesn't let us live life.

I am a logical person, and I would be the last one to tell you to give up "Logic", it keeps you safe. But I would tell you this - Don't let your logic dominate your life, find love 'coz love is not logical and it doesn't make sense, be spontaneous, chose a random menu, a random drink, or a random place on earth, let go of your logic from time to time and live, live life for once or twice. Be logical but don't be chained by it. You die once, but fear is a suicide of all the lives you could have lived, and the choices you could've made. 

Live, rather than questioning yourself, "What if?" Live even if that's the last thing you do.

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