Thursday, November 18, 2010


His heart aches with the
pain of loneliness,
The feelin' of invisibility
haunt his way through darkness.
"Let Go!"
the screams surround his hope.
He pulls a bullet to his heart
which passed through his soul.
Nobody came to his funeral
Not a single tear for his departed sole.
A decade passed with
snow and rain.
As Eclipse falls to his grave,
the soulless body rise again.
His bleedin' eyes to looks at the world
"I wanted to quit!" he yells as far.
"Is there any solution to my aching heart"
He weeps over and over again
sitting in lonely dark.
Death ain't a solution,
he regrets for his mistake
"not even Light came to take me
is this is how am discard?"
Now he is invisible to earth
and each sole he pass.
I asked him "tell me if you feel any difference
from the pain of your scars."
he nodded whilst saying
"a single step, I wish I could have start"

P.S : A painfully beautiful Post by Sir Charlemagne over the same base "The Agony of a Heavy Heart".

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